Friday 9 November 2012

Petra Pictures

Petra Inside Pictures.



Petra is a site in the Arabah, Jordan that was discovered by a Swiss explorer called Johann Ludwig Burckhardt in 1812 and is considered to be, yet another splendid beauty in the history of mankind. Arabah is a section of the Great Rift Valley and it is located between the Dead Sea (north) and the Gulf of Aqaba (south) forming part of the border between Jordan (east) and Israel (west).
Petra represents the ancient world’s heritage culture. It is a beauty hidden behind layers of mountain. The ones who have seen it say it is a treasure beyond comparison. It is now said to be one of the seventh wonder of the world and it belongs to the UNESCO world heritage site. The entire red rose city of Petra has such a charismatic appeal that it attracts anyone & everyone who enters the city, taking them to a different world of divine beauty and mystery. Petra mainly is admired because of its picture perfect architecture, its complex structure, quality and the non mentionable mere size.

Taj Mahal Pictures

Taj Mahal Garden

Built by emperor Shah Jahan in 1631 in memory of his third wife who died during child birth, the Taj Mahal is a magnificent and well kept white marble mausoleum located in the town of Agra in India, and is considered a world heritage site.
The Taj Mahal is a stunning example of Mughal architecture that utilizes a style combining elements of Persian, Turkish and Indian architectures, and is recognized world wide as a crowning symbol of Muslim art in India.

The Garden

To compliment this architectural wonder, the Taj Mahal garden spans the entire distance from the gate to the front of the mausoleum and is a favorite of many visitors. Indeed, for some it’s the reason for their visit.
Nature & Symbols
The 300 by 300 meter Taj Mahal gardens is based on geometric arrangements found in nature and combines flowers, fruits, birds, leaves, symmetry, and subtlety portraying both symbolic and abstract elements of paradise and Islamic belief. In fact, the symbolism portrayed by the garden and its geometry can even be found in Islamic texts. The four rivers of paradise depicted within the garden are water, milk, honey and wine.
A magnificent raised marble lotus-tank contains a stunning reflecting pool. Within its mirror like waters can be seen the sparkling white image of the mausoleum in all its grace and beauty. One could spend an entire day watching the colors change in the reflecting pool as the sun rises and sets while losing oneself in the musical chatter of the parakeets and monkeys.
Landscape Details
The detail of the Taj Mahal gardens is incredible, and the overall symmetry and harmony are astounding. The well maintained garden is divided into four main parts with two marble canals forming the central boundaries. The symbolism of this arrangement is unmistakable as four is the holiest number in Islam.
Within each quarter of the garden are planted 16 colorful flower beds each containing 400 individual plants. The flower beds are further divided by raised stone pathways placed for their symbolic meaning.
Everything about the Taj Mahal gardens is spectacular. Even the two types of trees found within the garden are symbolic. The noble Cyprus trees in the garden signify death, while the various fruit bearing trees signify life, with each individual grouping of trees arranged in subtle symbolic patterns.
The garden is best viewed at sunrise and sunset. To avoid the lines however, try to arrive before sunrise.
A recent visitor summed up the experience of the Taj Mahal gardens wonderfully, “Absolute beauty, no words can explain it…one must be there and see it and feel it oneself.”

Inside the Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is a very historic mausoleum in India inspired through the symbol of love which has been admired over the years.

Scenic Architecture

The Taj Mahal has been considered as the epitome of Mughal Architecture since it is the combination of Persian, Turkish and Indian inspired architecture which has its own flourished design that captivates millions of people around the world.
The tomb is the main attraction of the structure which is made up of white marble pieces on a square plinth. The calligraphic inscription of the casket makes it more interesting which identifies the name of Mumtaz and Shah Jahan.

The Interior

Apart from its external design, the interior design inside the Taj Mahal tells its own story to the world. The details are very intricately done which is quite fascinating that makes it more exquisite and wonderful. The façade that would lead to you to those sophisticated chambers is indescribable. The jail or octagonal the marble screen is made from eight panels are carved unbelievably without missing any single detail of it that borders the cenotaph respectively.

Other Details

The Ninety Nine Names of god found in the calligraphic inscription on the actual tomb is found on the side, this serves merely as decorations. Also, the pen box and writing tablet were funerary icons which highlight the whole thing of the mausoleum though Muslim tradition forbids highly detailed decoration of graves.
There is much to say about inside the Taj Mahal, but one of the greatest stories one could ever tell about this admirable structure, is the experience of seeing it real. Come and see Taj Mahal, exploring them may inspire you that love can do an immeasurable thing. What makes it the most wonderful architecture of all time, it is because it is made up of love.